I HATE this map.Im pretty sure im not alone either.First its a basic Campers pardise.Second, rushing is absolutley useless.The only way your not gonna get killed is camp or stay at the edge of the map.The streets are a No-mans land.Go out their and your ass is grass. Comment and be nice you trolls
Am i crazy?! I think Havana is one of the best rushing maps. I always manage so well with Stakeout in Havana by running trought the houses and just rushing people with my pumpie. The most effective spots i've found is the fountain near the spawn and the big house with the balcony opposite side of the fountain.
There can be a bit too much spawn camping on that map especially in domination. It just isn't big enough really to have anywhere safe to spawn when one team closes in too much.
Its not as bad as playing nuketown and having someone with a bloody gunship though lol